Those of you who are planning to go to UK this September Lets take a closer look at how you will go about applying for a student visa or Entry Clearance to study in a University in UK.
Q.Who needs entry clearance to enter the United Kingdom?
Ans:If you are the holder of a desi passport then rest assured you will definitely need an Entry Clearance or a visa to enter the UK. The Entry Clearance certificate will be stamped on your passport by the British Deputy High Commission in Mumbai. This stamp will allow you to take a flight to UK and enter the airport as a potential student for higher education. 
Q.What is the port of entry and how important is this stage?
Ans:The port of entry is the airport that you will disembark upon after your flight. Technically the entry clearance or the visa allows you entry only till this stage of your journey. At the port of entry you have to meet the immigration officials again and it is they really who give you permission to enter their country. You will have to convince the officers at the port of entry that you are a genuine student and that you are in perfect medical shape. But that should not be too difficult provided that you have all the important documents, that you took for your visa interview in Mumbai, ready for inspection in your handbag and can take them out easily for scrutiny at the port of entry. Once the entry clearance is stamped on your passport there is a very remote chance that you will not be allowed entry into their country. But it is important to remember that the officers at the port of entry do reserve the right of interviewing you again before allowing you permission to enter.Of course if you are wanted by the Indian police then travel at your own risk! 
Q.How long will it take me to get this entry clearance certificate or visa stamped on my passport in Mumbai? Ans:If your papers are accurate and appropriate then the visa can be stamped on your passport palak jhapakte he (in just a couple of days) Making a reference does not take as much time as, for example, writing a master thesis , so it will happen within a clearly defined time frame in a few days.
Q.How can I certify that I & my family have the necessary funds in India or abroad to pay for my education? Ans:If your education is going to be sponsored by somebody in UK then they need to send a letter of sponsorship giving details of their occupation and salary. 
Q.How much money do I really need to show at the time of visa? Ans:There is absolutely no upper limit to the amount of funds that you should be showing for your visa interview. However there is no need to go to the obscene limits of putting crores and crores in your bank accounts unless they already exist there. 
Q.All my family money is in Indian Rupees how can I show the money in pounds? Ans:There is absolutely no reason for you to worry on this account. Any bank that deals in foreign currency can issue you a certificate stating that they will be able to provide you with the necessary amount of foreign currency, for further education, after you get your visa.
Q.What questions will they ask me in the visa interview? Ans: The visa interview is no longer routinely held for students whose paperwork is accurate
Q.Do the medical check-ups need to be done in specified hospitals and laboratories? Ans:No medical check ups are required. But do carry a chest XRay to UK and keep it handy in your handbag. All international students are covered by the National Health Insurance in UK thus while you are a student there you will not incur any additional health costs. 
Q.If I go to UK on a visitor visa can I convert this visitor visa to a student visa while I am still in UK? Ans:The answer to this question will have to be a big no. Under no circumstances should you plan to convert your visitor visa into a student visa while you are still in UK. It is best to complete your visit and after returning to India apply for a student visa along with the necessary papers mentioned above. 
FURTHER INFORMATION For greater details on UK visa contact the office of Career Track.