Better Jobs: The world as the saying goes has become a global village. The issues & technologies people deal with have become more & more similar. It is no longer people just in developing countries looking westward to study abroad, even in countries like USA study abroad is an exciting concept. Americans want to experience the Asian/European world to gain insights into how the economy runs there. They want to understand the psychology of people in this part of the world to be able to use those insights in their jobs. In such a context international education has become very vital.
Since companies are expanding their horizons, with international collaborations, mergers, take-overs and international operations, they are looking at employees who are as comfortable working in their own country as they are abroad. These people are being preferred in the global job market and a superb way of gaining this experience is education abroad.
Faculty in most premier institutions of India have had international education. Ms Roopa Shah, a very dynamic lady and the Principal of Mithibai College, a prestigious institution in Mumbai, has studied in London School of Economics. Dr Satish Vitta, a Professor in Indian Institute of Technology has completed his Ph.D. from Cambridge University. Managers in senior positions of large companies & many CEO's of multi nationals with a base in India have studied abroad.Our society has since a very long time given importance to international exposure. Earlier, it was mainly because our institutions could not provide comparable education but now it is also because the international experience adds a new dimension to the way a person thinks & responds to the environment. 
Interdisciplinary Courses: Unlike the Indian institutions, universities abroad offer a very wide range of courses for a student to choose from. You could do extensive courses in Publishing Studies, Consumer Product Management Studies, Change Management, Football Management, Developmental Studies, Global Bio Diversity, Security Studies, International Business, Health Promotion, Career Counselling, Wild Life Management etc.
Almost all new frontier courses are first started abroad. So if you have a course in mind, but can't find it anywhere else - golf course management for instance - then going & studying abroad could be the answer for you.
Flexible Entry Criteria: As you can see the range of courses you can do abroad is very vast. Most of these universities are. also flexible about your previous academic background. If after years of being in economics, you want to shift to Psychology it is possible; if after having studied Mechanical engineering you want to shift to computers, you can. Sometimes you might have to do a few prerequisite courses, but you can do it!
Dual Degree Option: Many of us a wide array of interests & in foreign Universities it is possible to do a dual degree or a double major i.e. you can actually specialise in more than one subject. If Psychology & Law are of interest to you, you could do a dual degree or if you want to specialise in both management & engineering then that is also possible. If you want to work in the area of environmental law, you could consider doing a course in Law & Environmental Studies; or a joint degree in Electrical Engineering & Computers.
Range of Countries: From the Indian students perspective the situation is very dynamic, a large number of countries today are vying for the Indian student's attention. Today a student can choose between going to UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore etc. To further enhance the range of choices a large number of foreign universities are collaborating with Indian institutions and offering their degrees/diplomas either completely in India or partially in an Indian campus & partially in their own country. These twinning options are being tried mainly in an attempt to make international education more affordable to an Indian student. But how employers will recognise these degrees only time will tell.
Options: How do all these options compare? Should you go to one country or the other? Or better still should you go to an institution with a twinning programme. How much does it cost to go abroad? What is the application procedure? These and many like these are questions in every student's mind. These questions are not simple to answer. Because, much depends upon what subject you wish to study abroad, and at which institution. But if your choices are well made, one can say with confidence that a period of studying abroad does help, and in many ways.We at Career Track specialise in helping you find solutions to these questions and more.Kindly do call our office and take an appointment for a counselling session.